Wednesday, September 20, 2006

wake up to...

Wake up again the same old way.
To the rude awakening of an old alarm clock.
Bursting into my sleep and telling me its time.
Time to begin this mountainous climb.
Seems so overwhelming, so daunting, so impossible.

Who do I do this for?
Whose smiling face will warmly greet me when I FINALLY, bruised, broken and blistered...arrive at the final place to which I'd been striving.
Only YOU know what I face everyday. Every part of every day.
Where has it gone!?
Right now I"m trapped in these walls of this house.
Gazing out the window and only ever dreaming past my own overgrown lawn.
The darkness and heaviness of it all seems to laugh me in the face! slap me even, and I still feel the sting.

But not today. I'm telling you...I got through, but not without you.
Today I"ll wake up with hope in my heart, that the sun will grace me with its presence and melt away the hurt , pain and confusion.
Today I"ll go out knowing that with my God I can scale a wall, move a mountain, is anything too difficult for him?

I hope you know I'm doing this all for you.
Though I may be tired, weary, lose my vision and purpose.
Though it can be easier to focus on these momentary discomforts.
You've said you have been waiting for me. Your bride. Your child. Your sheep that has gone off but you rescued me.
Do I really deserve to see your loving face?
Look me in the eye and tell me is all going to be ok.
That all these things have not outstepped your protecting and powerful hands.

But when I do reach the destination I have been striving for, I know it'll all be worth it.
I can only hope you'll call me faithful and say that I did well.
You are my hope and You are enough today, tomorrow and always.

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